Serve on a team to reach out to those residing in nursing home facilities in Mandarin. Serve once a month.
A team of people willing to serve the body by visiting those in need of company or encouragement.
Our desire for the serve team is that they have 2 loves. A love for Jesus & a love for college aged students. We have seen if these 2 things are in line, you make a great leader!
Promote Christian citizenship through education on Biblical value based voting, alternatives to abortion, awareness and reporting of human trafficking, etc.
A ministry for families experiencing separation or divorce.
Special event photography
Want to serve the body at CFC in a practical way? We need you on the Parking team, helping folks park efficiently. Or you might enjoy the Set Up Team on Sunday morning preparing our campus for guests. Click below to take the next step.
Help facilitate family group conversation twice a month using the application questions from Sunday's teaching.
CFC has a food pantry for those in the church body, as well as the community to gain temporary help during hard times.
Ministering to foster and adoptive families to meet physical, emotional, and spiritual needs
Opportunity to serve others at CFC by repairing or maintaining a home, yard, car or personal item they are unable to take care of themselves.
This is a team that serves as the hands and feet of Jesus to our CFC family.
Our desire for the serve team is for a person to have a love for God’s word and a love for making God’s word real in the life of a high school student as they come alongside them.
A team that helps facilitate receptions for funerals held at CFC. Responsibilities include working with a team receiving food, set up, hosting, and clean up
Our Hope Center offers free counseling to those in our Church body and in our community. We are able to offer this low cost because of volunteers who dedicate their time to serving in this capacity. No experience is needed, as we have trainings for you to attend.
Do you love people? Never met a stranger? Or do you just love this church and want people to feel welcome here? Then the Hospitality Team is a great place for you to serve. We can use you as a Greeter, at Guest Services, during events or in The Table. Click below to take the next step.
If you love kids, this is the ministry for you. Our kids team has the opportunity to share God's love in a direct and tangible way every week. You have the option of working with many different age ranges. No experience is necessary- just a willingness to serve.
If you love fun times, lots of laughing you would do great in our middle school ministry!
Welcome those joining us for worship on our livestream via the chat feature.
Pray for CFC, its people, our nation/world and write notes of encouragement.
Our Production Team is an integral part of our ministry here at CFC. This “behind the scenes” team helps make our services and special programs heard, seen and experienced in a very practical way.
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Our coffee shop is a main point of welcoming guests onto our campus all throughout the week. If you love serving and a good cup of coffee there is no experience needed and we would love to have you on our team.
Our Usher teams serve to help facilitate various elements of our gathered worship times. Ushers at CFC are asked to actively seat our members, prepare and serve the elements of the Lord’s Table when scheduled and receive offerings when applicable. For this reason, we require that the men who serve as Ushers be members of CFC. Ushers commit to serve 1 Sunday per month.
Our Worship team serves CFC by leading our body in worship through music and singing each week. All who lead from the stage are required to be members of CFC. A short application and audition is required. Serving availability is flexible, but when scheduled attendance at rehearsal and all services is expected.